Efi/mbr freebsd-11.0-RELEASE-p9 unbootable

Antonio Olivares olivares14031 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 14 15:36:52 UTC 2017

On Thursday, April 13, 2017, Manish Jain <bourne.identity at hotmail.com>

> > When booting the machine tries to boot
> > off the network
> Why should that happen with a good install ?
> Have you considered disabling UEFI in the BIOS ?
> Operating systems generally work better with legacy BIOS.
> Regards
> Manish Jain
> On 04/14/17 08:08, Antonio Olivares wrote:
> > Dear freebsd users,
> >
> > I got a used toshiba-laptop with windows 7.  A friend of mine gave me a
> new
> > hard drive and we installed void-linux with a 1GB /boot partition, an 8
> GB
> > swap partitionx and a 100GB / for the install.  Installation suceeded,
> but
> > grub install failed some ttx? Error.  I then got a regular x86_64 amd
> > freebsd 11.0 RELEASE and installed it sucessfully as well.  I did not get
> > questioned to install bootloader. When booting the machine tries to boot
> > off the network.  I get a supergrubdisk and boot off it and I am able to
> > run freebsd-update on it get it to -p9 and install pkgs that I want to
> > run.  I am not very fond of secure boot and I had installed linux on
> > another machine with windows 7 and it supposedly had EFI support, however
> > when grub installed, i lost the ability to boot into windows.  In this
> > machine a toshiba satellite laptop, I tried to play it safe and instead
> > cannot boot either void-linux or freebsd from the hard drive.  I can boot
> > into freebsd with supergrubdisk, i don't believe it is a question of EFI
> > because I had previously installed DragonflyBSD 4.8 which has support for
> > EFI and I selected it as well, but the system was unbootable as well.
> How
> > should I troubleshoot this?  I can boot from live media, but I cannot
> > install grub or the freebsd bootloader.  Hard drive is 465 GB, with the
> > above mentioned linux partitions, the rest for freebsd with ufs.  If
> there
> > is a how to, or a laptop wiki on this topic, I appreciate all your help
> > even if it would be recommended that I reinstall the OS again from
> > scratch.  I am confused with GPT vs old style MBR which just worked TM by
> > the way and this secure boot crap which renders our machines unbootable.
> >
> > Best Regards,
> >
> >
> > Antonio
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> I will have to reinstall.  Is there an online guide for the bios?  I
cannot find where to disable secure boot.
I have another machine with secure boot and I am unable to get any
successful installation either with freebsd 11.0 amd64 release or dragonfly
4.8.  Apparently I install the system correctly, but no bootloader
installs.   I have to use mbr style where it works.  I tried doing a Gpart
command but there was no internet available to send :(

Thanks 4 your suggestion, I will have 2 try this again on Tues of next week.

Best regards


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