pipe syslog records to a script

Ernie Luzar luzar722 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 11 19:18:58 UTC 2017

Ben Woods wrote:
> On 4 April 2017 at 05:41, Ernie Luzar <luzar722 at gmail.com 
> <mailto:luzar722 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hello list;
>     In syslog.conf I have these 2 lines.
>     local0.*       /var/log/security
>     local0.*      | exec /usr/local/bin/ipf.table
>     The security log file is being populated and working fine.
>     Now I want to pipe the same log records to a script for processing.
>     The ipf.table script looks like this
>     #! /bin/sh
>     $1 >> /var/log/ipf.table.log1
>     $@ >> /var/log/ipf.table.log2
>     $* >> /var/log/ipf.table.log3
>      service syslogd restart
>     The ipf.table.log1, 2, 3 never get populated even though I see new
>     entries in the security.log file.
>     What am I doing wrong here?
> Hi Ernie,
> I never even realised there was a feature in FreeBSD's syslog to pipe 
> the log to a command. Interesting!
> I have just played around with this, and the problem you are facing is 
> that the log entry is piped to the command as stdin, not passed as an 
> argument.
> Use something like the following in your script to process the log as stdin:
> while read LINE; do
>        echo ${LINE} >> /var/log/ipf.table.log1
> done
> Good luck!
> Regards,
> Ben

Thanks for the feedback.
By trial and error I also came to the same conclusion,

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