
James B. Byrne byrnejb at
Thu Apr 6 14:27:14 UTC 2017

I have set up a Bind-9.11 service (inside a jail).  In doing so I
noted that the default named.conf file provided contains no less than
161 pre-defined zones that all point to:


These zones are prefaced with the following statement:

/*	Serving the following zones locally will prevent any queries
	for these zones leaving your network and going to the root
	name servers.  This has two significant advantages:
	1. Faster local resolution for your users
	2. No spurious traffic will be sent from your network to the roots

So, what happened to the 'empty-zones-enable' and 'disable-empty-zone'
options?  Why are these zones explicitly defined?

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James B. Byrne                mailto:ByrneJB at
Harte & Lyne Limited
9 Brockley Drive              vox: +1 905 561 1241
Hamilton, Ontario             fax: +1 905 561 0757
Canada  L8E 3C3

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