syslog.conf - log records to a script

Ernie Luzar luzar722 at
Tue Apr 4 19:21:56 UTC 2017

Hello list;

In syslog.conf I have these 2 lines.
local0.*       /var/log/security
local0.*      | exec /usr/local/bin/ipf.table

The security log file is being populated and working fine.
Now I want to pipe the same log records to a script for processing.

I'm using a very simple script to verify that the test script is being 
handed all the log records. My test ipf.table script looks like this,

#! /bin/sh
read line
echo "$line" >> /var/log/ipf.table.log

When I issue  "service syslogd restart"  I get no errors.

The ipf.table.log gets populated with the first log record and them 
nothing happens after that even though I can see more entries being 
logged to /var/log/security.

What am I doing wrong here?

Thanks for your help.

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