Problem installing 10.3/10.2 or 11 on Soekris 6501

George g.lister at
Mon Sep 26 20:56:14 UTC 2016

Hi guys,

I am trying to install from an i386 img file on a USB stick to a
Soekris Net6501 and I keep having problems.

10.3: Says that the base package checksum is wrong and I need to
re-download it and try again.

10.2: Says installation aborted and lets me try again or exit.

11.0: Is just not working gets stuck somewhere once the boot starts.

The machine has a dual Intel Atom 6xx 1000 MHz and 4 nics. I have used
OpenBSD on it for a long time without problems.

I have switched a number of USB sticks and this one actually gets the
installer working as evident by where it stops. The downloaded i386
checksum are perfectly fine when checked so what gives...???

I will try another version to make sure it is not the version I am
having a problem with. Any ideas, suggestions are welcome.

Thanks in advance,

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