Stupid question regarding reboot and poweroff

Arthur Chance freebsd at
Sun Sep 18 10:47:38 UTC 2016

On 18/09/2016 10:03, Aleksander Alekseev wrote:
> Hello.
> Is there any difference between executing `poweroff` and `shutdown -p
> now` or executing `reboot` and `shutdown -r now` ?

man shutdown says

     Calling “poweroff” is equivalent to running:

           shutdown -p now

and they're the same executable hard linked.

reboot is the same executable as halt. They don't warn logged on users
in the same way as shutdown does. man  reboot says

     Normally, the shutdown(8) utility is used when the system needs to be
     halted or restarted, giving users advance warning of their
impending doom
     and cleanly terminating specific programs.

Schrödinger's cat had 18 half lives.

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