YIKES! I am going to need some help

Baho Utot baho-utot at columbus.rr.com
Sun Sep 11 14:57:21 UTC 2016

I want to rebuild all my home computers now based upon FreeBSD 10.x.

I would like to use version 11.0 Stable or Release.

Here is the steps I am going to take....

     Yes you can suggest that I have this totally borked.

     My wife tells me I am only expert at making a mess!

The present layout of the computer I am going to install first:

1    SSD with windows and FreeBSD 10.3

         This will change to just win7 and the boot loader, so that 
FreeBSD will only be on a ZFS raid Z array.

         Will this still be able to boot?

         Will I need to change the boot loader already installed? I am 
using the FreeBSD 10.x boot loader that shows you F1, F2 and F3

             F1 windows 7, F2 windows data and F3 FreeBSD 10.0

1    Hard drive that has Windows data partition and FreeBSD partition ( 
which contains /usr/home and /usr/ports etc)

             This hard drive will be removed when this all works.

1    DVD drive that is coming out ( don't use it any more )

     OK look out,  here it goes......

- Install 4  1TB hard drives for ZFS raid Z array.

- Load FreeBSD ( current USB image ) from USB using ZFS.

         Will the installer do this or do I need to tweak it?

         Will my present 10.3 version still function while I am setting 
this up?

         I will have win7 on the first primary drive an SSD and then 
remove the second drive after I get this going.

         I want to create filesystems on the Raid Z array like /usr/home 
/usr/ports /usr/ports/packages etc.

             You can suggest any other filesystems if it will be helpful.

- svnlite co

         Need the URL so I can fetch 11-Current or 11-Release

- build world

         Yep I got this (well maybe see below)

- build kernel

         Yep I got this too ;)

-build lumina

         Have not been successful getting version 1 to function, crashes 

             the old version works.  Pointers any one?

- build other things

         Opera               - should not be an issue

         Thunderbird     - should not be an issue

         FireFox            - should not be an issue

         Keepassx        - should not be an issue

- build local repository

         Wow, I got this too, well maybe the only step I can do ;)    no 
help needed for this step

Now let me throw a monkey wrench and hammer into this.....

     Can I use clang and LLVM?  Ditching ld?

     If so I will need advice on how to do this.

As always.....Thanks for your review and help

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