Will installing a separate sound card work?

Manish Jain bourne.identity at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 10 17:49:31 UTC 2016


In my computer hardware upgrade project (which has already seen me switch 
3 motherboards and 2 CPU's in 1 month), I have reached a point where I need 
to invest a bit further. My current Gigabyte GA970 motherboard is working 
perfectly, except that the onboard sound (Realtek) is aweful, with a whole 
lot of high-pitch hiss accompanying the sound whenever I try to play any 

I would like to solve the problem by installing a separate internal sound 
card - the best option appears to be Asus Xonar DG PCI Internal Sound Card 
with a C-Media CMI8786 chipset. Will my idea of disabling the onboard 
sound and installing the separate card work ? My motherboard's BIOS does 
provide the option to disable the onboard sound. So I think the question 
simply boils down to whether the CMI8786 chipset be supported by the 
FreeBSD kernel.

Thanks for any help.
Manish Jain

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