NFS or rsync for sharing files between FreeBSD servers?

Mel Pilgrim list_freebsd at
Thu Sep 8 19:37:24 UTC 2016

On 2016-09-07 09:09, Amitabh Kant wrote:
> We need to share a number of directories between 3 servers running 9.3 .
> Most of these directories contain php/html/js/images files which do not
> change frequently.
> We need to keep the directories in sync on all three servers. Currently, we
> run a rsync command every time there is a change in one of the
> files/directories. Sometimes it does happen that we forget to run the rsync
> script making one of the servers return old versions.
> That is where we are planning to introduce a nfs_server on one of the
> servers, while the other two will be nfs_clients accessing the files
> through a shared directory. I understand that it would present a single
> point of failure, but in terms of disk access speed, will it make a huge
> difference further impacting the web servers running on the nfs_client
> servers ? The servers are connected to each other over gigabit lines, and
> the files are themselves not greater than 20-30 kb on an average, with some
> of  the larger image files somewhere around 4-5 MB.

Have a look at sysutils/inotify-tools.  IMO, inotifywait example 1 on 
the website[1] does what you're looking to do.


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