High availability storage : raid1 of iSCSI or iSCSI + hast

Chris Kiakas chris at lrckinfo.com
Mon Sep 5 15:27:31 UTC 2016

Just a note on option 1.

It does not need to be slow. You can get 10gb connection NIC or Multilink (laggy/lacp) several NICs together. Make sure your switch supports it.

chris at lrckinfo.com
320, rue de la Fenaison
Varennes, Québec, J3X 2H2

> On Sep 5, 2016, at 10:56 AM, Solène Rapenne <solene at perso.pw> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am building a high availability cluster with FreeBSD, to make it simple, we have 2 master/slave server called Web1 and Web2 and 2 master/slave file server called iSCSI1 and iSCSI2.
> I have been thinking about 2 options and I would like to have some feedback if you run one of the option (or something else) :
>    - the first is to create a raid1 of both iSCSI target and mount it on the webserver who is the master.
>    - the second is mounting the iSCSI target from the master iSCSI server and the master iSCSI server will replicates the data to the slave
> 1st option : MASTER Web connects to both iSCSI server and make
>             a raid1 of the iSCSI
> pros : in case of failure of iSCSI 1 or 2, Web isn't affected
> cons : slow ? network bottleneck ?
>   +---------+   CARP   +---------+
>   |  Web1   |  <---->  |   Web2  |
>   +---------+          +---------+
>       |raid1\
>       |      \__________
>       |                 \
>   +---------+          +---------+
>   | iSCSI 1 |          | iSCSI 2 |
>   +---------+          +---------+
> 2nd option : MASTER Web connects to MASTER iSCSI server,
>            which replicates to slave iSCSI server with HAST
> pros : no idea
> cons : if we want to switch the iSCSI server we have to stop everything
>   +---------+   CARP   +---------+
>   |  Web1   | <----->  |   Web2  |
>   +---------+          +---------+
>       |
>       |
>   +---------+  CARP +  +---------+
>   | iSCSI 1 |   HAST   | iSCSI 2 |
>   +---------+  <---->  +---------+
> Thank you for reading
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