ports: on the fly pkg-plist creation from git pull
cederom at tlen.pl
Mon Sep 5 13:52:57 UTC 2016
I am creating a port from a GIT repository. I would like to keep the
GIT file structure to user can update the project with GIT tools. I
know this is not the best and not even the valid way to update, but in
this particular case there is no other choice yet.. and the project
changes really fast so updates from GIT are reasonable and desired.
Hopefully it will change in a next major release and we can simply
create a package.
I did the simple automation of project clone, submodiles clone,
initial configuration, etc, inside port Makefile.
The problem is with the pkg-plist. I can create one with `make plist`
based on the staged filesystem and it works until update. I would like
make to create a plist file after fetch and build as a part of
automation. How can I call `make makeplis` on each build?
Any hints appreciated :-)
CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info
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