csh history search

Ernie Luzar luzar722 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 24 18:22:26 UTC 2016

Polytropon wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Oct 2016 11:39:59 -0400, Ernie Luzar wrote:
>> Hello List;
>> Reading this section "History substitution" in csh(1) seems to indicate 
>> I can pull up a previous command from the history list.
>> Lets say that a while back I issued this command
>> ping -c 4 hometown.jones.domain.com
>> Now I would like to retrieve that domain name from the history list.
>> On the command line I enter  !?jon
>> The complete ping command is retrieved and automatically executed.
>> I don't want the found command automatically executed, I just want the 
>> found command inserted to the command line being visible so I can 
>> manually modify it before choosing to execute it.
>> I could not find any info in csh(1) about auto exec or how to stop it. 
>> Hoping someone who uses this csh function could help me out.
> Start by typing the first few characters of the command, e. g.
> 	% ping_
> then use the up arrow to browse through all commands starting
> with "ping"; if "ping -c 4 hometown.jones.domain.com" was the
> last ping command executed, it will show up immediately, and
> you can start editing the command (Ctrl+right to word-jump,
> or End Ctrl+W to erase the last word, just as you prefer).
> The more "words" (or characters) you have at the beginning
> of the command line, the more "precise" the search results
> will be ("ping" is more "precise" than "p").
> For more sophisticated searching, you could write a simple
> wrapper around "history | grep" (including a grep -v to remove
> the search itself from the search result); this topic has been
> discussed on the list, and you can surely find working code
> in the archive.

ping_ returns this message   ping_: Command not found
% ping_ returns this message  %: Too many arguments

What "subject" in the questions archive list should I search on to find 
the thread talking about searching the command history list?

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