11.0-release new function blacklist how-to needed

Ernie Luzar luzar722 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 16:31:33 UTC 2016

FreeBSD RELEASE-11.0 has been published and made available for public 
consumption. From the release notes.

The libblacklist(3) library and applications have been ported from the 
NetBSD Project. Packet filtering support for the pf(4) packet filtering 
systems has been implemented. The blacklist system provides the 
blacklistd daemon, the helper script blacklistd-helper to make changes 
to the running packet filter system and the blacklistctl control 
program. A selection of system daemons, including: fingerd, ftpd, 
rlogind, and rshd have been modified to support sending notifications to 
the blacklistd daemon. [r301169] (Sponsored by The FreeBSD Foundation)

Support for the ipfw(4) packet filter has been added to the 
blacklistd-helper script. [r301736] (Sponsored by The FreeBSD Foundation)

Support for the ipfilter(4) packet filter has been added to the 
blacklistd-helper script. [r301843] (Sponsored by The FreeBSD Foundation)

No where can I find a how-to describing how to enable this function or a 
simple explanation of it's intended use and how it interacts with the 
base firewalls.

Guidance desired.

Thank you.

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