Pidfile generated by /usr/sbin/daemon not usable by rc.d script

Adam Lindberg adam.lindberg at
Thu May 26 08:06:28 UTC 2016

Okay, thanks, that makes sense.

1. Is the sed “hack” okay for now? Are there any risks with modifying the pid file after it’s been created (too early, too late etc.)?
2. If this is a bug in /etc/rc.subr, how do I report it? I’m new to FreeBSD. :-)


Adam Lindberg | Backend Engineer
Wooga GmbH | Saarbrücker Str. 38 | D-10405 Berlin

Place of business: Berlin
Registered at the local court Berlin-Charlottenburg, HRB 117846 B
Managing Directors: Jens Begemann, Philipp Möser, Jan Miczaika

> On 25 May 2016, at 21:26 , RW via freebsd-questions <freebsd-questions at> wrote:
> On Wed, 25 May 2016 17:12:36 +0200
> Adam Lindberg wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I don’t know what powerd is and how it factors into this. :-)
> It's an example of a daemon that generates a pid file without a
> newline, and yet "stop" and "status" work.
> It turns out that /etc/rc.d/powerd doesn't define pidfile, in which
> case rc.subr finds the pid from the output of ps. So it's not a
> counter-example and it does appear to be a bug that rc.subr can't cope
> with a pid file without a newline.
> You could use the same method, but using sed seems safer.
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