Recommended laptop for FreeBSD 10.2 Xfce workstation?

Malcolm Matalka mmatalka at
Wed Mar 30 07:01:46 UTC 2016

David Christensen <dpchrist at> writes:

> freebsd-questions:
> Thank you for the replies so far.  :-)
> Is there such a thing as a "reference laptop" that FreeBSD is developed and validated against?
> Failing that, I'm going to lower the bar and ask if there are *any* laptops that meet my basic needs OOTB:
>     I'm looking for a new or used laptop that is known to work
>     correctly with FreeBSD 10.2, Xfce, Firefox, Thunderbird, (whatever
>     free) Office, etc., plus encryption and virtualization.

It's probably worth checking in with the PC-BSD community, they are much
more desktop/laptop oriented.  Also, the PC-BSD install image apparently
has a mode where you can check a system for how well supported it is in
FreeBSD, so if you can go to a physical stop and boot up with a USB
drive you can see if it meets your needs.

> David
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