Anti-virus for FreeBSD

Valeri Galtsev galtsev at
Thu Mar 24 16:15:48 UTC 2016

On Wed, March 23, 2016 11:40 pm, Olivier Nicole wrote:
> Valeri,
>> Partly to toss some more fuel into the fire ;-) and partly to discourage
>> too harsh judgement of "some anti-vurus software not catching some
>> viruses" (or should I say virii as a plural of Latin word virus?)
> I feel like bit of trolling :)
>> First of all, the whole anti-virus approach is fundamentally flawed. In
>> fact, you can not enumerate bad (what anti-virus is trying to do). You
>> only can enumerate good and prohibit everything else. So, don't be too
>> harsh on those [anti-viruses] that miss some of evil things sometimes:
>> remember, they are trying to do the task that is fundamentally flawed.
> And in the best of the wolrd, no one would be temptent to send viruses
> (I doubt anyone uses virii, or else, they also call the veeroos, not
> vayras).
> In the real world, you need to let the information flaw, so you have to
> take some risk. While a deny default is the best policy, it is not
> always possible to enforce.
>> Second, the very existence of Windows viruses is based on architecture
>> flaws of MS Windows system IMHO.
> I understand that there is a good share of viruses for Android nowdays,
> does that mean Android is build on to of Windows :)

Are there many Android viruses? Then they (Android) probably do the same
stupid thing (feeling safe because of having you - user - sitting with
your stuff in jail), and are trying to execute whatever they see
executable around... Did I guess it correctly?


>> Of course, most of us have to use and
>> maintain that system in a course of fulfilling our job duties; that can
>> not prevent us from having some attitude. Based on which I would
>> discourage running for your Unix/Linux mail server virus scanning
>> software
>> on Windows machine.
> And that is why I am looking for an Av that run on freeBSD :)
> Best regards,
> Olivier

Valeri Galtsev
Sr System Administrator
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics
University of Chicago
Phone: 773-702-4247

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