FreeBSD and updating to new release

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at
Thu Mar 24 08:17:21 UTC 2016

On 23/Mar/16 01:11, Brandon J.Wandersee wrote:

> But 10.3 is the last version to use freebsd-update anyway. I was just
> making note of that---you can't use freebsd-update to move to or from a
> development branch, but even if you could in the past you wouldn't now,
> because it will no longer be available from 11.0 onward. pkg(8) will be
> used instead, and still only from a numbered -RELEASE.

I suppose you mean 10.3 is the last release to support "freebsd-update"
for development branches, yes?

"freebsd-update" should still be supported for all general releases, yes?


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