Anti-virus for FreeBSD
Valeri Galtsev
galtsev at
Tue Mar 22 14:01:16 UTC 2016
On Mon, March 21, 2016 11:38 pm, Olivier Nicole wrote:
> Hi,
> What anti-virus are you using with FreeBSD? beside ClamAV that is.
> I had been using Kaspersky for years, but they are withdrawing their
> support for FreeBSD, so i will not renew my license in October.
It sounds like great moment to re-consider what you have been using.
Kaspersky is KGB guy (not ex-KGB, is he will say, as in this kind of
service there is no "ex", you retire from that service dead, feet first
dead). Now, think about your users whose files, with potentially
confidential information will be accessible to proprietary code created
by/for one or the other intelligence agency (I don't distinguish here KGB,
CIA, MI-6, Siguranza,...)
Open source scanners, (especially community created like clamav) would be
much saner choice. To mention one commercial choice I used on Windows
systems: AVG. But on Unix, clamav, definitely.
Just my $0.02
> So I need a replacement, that has a daemonised version.
> Best regards,
> Olivier
Valeri Galtsev
Sr System Administrator
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics
University of Chicago
Phone: 773-702-4247
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