回复:Re: find module information

Teng Zhang unixreader at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 22 06:58:41 UTC 2016

Thank you very much for your reply, @Polytropon.I found some useful files in /usr/local/man and /usr/local/share/doc seems does not include the files which i want to get.It seems like that not all modules in /boot/kernel can correspond to a manual page. Could you please tell me how can i distinguish between OS-provided modules and non-OS-provided modules(modules like acpi* are OS-provided modules, of course) .

发自 Android 版 Yahoo 邮箱 
  在 2016年3月22日周二 时间:0:37,Polytropon<freebsd at edvax.de> 写道:   On Mon, 21 Mar 2016 10:21:27 +0000 (UTC), Unixreader Mydog via freebsd-questions wrote:
> Hello, everbody, i saw a module named i915kms.ko, and i want to know
> what is its' facility, Could anybody please tell me where i can get
> some useful information.

This probably is a 3rd party module, so the documentation
is located where the port maintainer decided to install it
to. In most cases, this will be /usr/local/share/doc/<name>,
but other locations are also possible. Some ported software
provides a manual page, "man <name>", but sadly it's not
always the case.

Sometimes you can derive from the name: "i915kms" is shorthand
for "Intel 915" (graphics chipset) kernel mode setting.

> (and any other modules in /boot/kernel)

Usually "man <name>" will work for OS-provided modules.

Magdeburg, Germany
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