Trouble recovering after re-installing CUPS

Will Parsons varro at nodomain.invalid
Wed Mar 16 21:42:37 UTC 2016

I re-installing cups (after deleting cups-base, cups-client,
cups-image, and cups-pstoraster), but have lost hplip.  An attempt to
re-install it fails with:

===>   Registering installation for hplip-3.16.2
pkg-static: Unable to access file /usr/ports/print/hplip/work/stage/usr/local/etc/cups/pstotiff.convs: No such file or directory
pkg-static: Unable to access file /usr/ports/print/hplip/work/stage/usr/local/etc/cups/pstotiff.types: No such file or directory
*** [fake-pkg] Error code 74

% uname -a
FreeBSD anukis.local 9.3-RELEASE-p21 FreeBSD 9.3-RELEASE-p21 #0: Tue Jul 28 08:57:41 UTC 2015     root at  i386

How can I proceed to resolve this?

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