dhcpd, iscsi and a raspberry pi

Lowell Gilbert freebsd-questions-local at be-well.ilk.org
Tue Mar 15 21:56:40 UTC 2016

Guy Harrison <gfh at swampdog.co.uk> writes:

> Hi John,
> On Tuesday 15 March 2016 19:46:26 John Howie wrote:
>> Hi Guy,
>> When the Raspberry Pi boots it will use DHCP several times. The first is
>> in UBOOT, and twice when the kernel boots (based on my own observations,
>> and configuration). Using Windows Server DHCP Server, I was able to use
>> the MAC address to guarantee that the Pi got the same IP address each
>> time. Your mileage with ISC-DHCPD may vary. I am no expert with that DHCP
>> server so can offer no advice on how to make it work in a similar fashion
>> to Windows Server.
> I can achieve a similar result to yourself by editing dhcpd.conf to insert 
> the MAC..
> host pi05	{
> 	hardware ethernet	b8:27:eb:0f:32:64;
> 	fixed-address		pi05.swampdog;
> }
> ..and inserting A/PTR forward and reverse records for 'named' so at least 
> that prevents the dual IP allocation.
> There's always a catch: the background on this is I can't have the pi 
> hostname tried to the hardware - it needs to follow the sdcard around 
> iyswim.

U-Boot stores the MAC address in its environment. For the
(proprietary) boards I work on, I had to patch the U-Boot version
of the appropriate Ethernet driver so that it would read the
Ethernet address out of an EPROM.

> I guess the question now is - how can I achieve the same result but without 
> needing the above in dhcpd.conf?

I thought dhcpd would use MAC address if the client didn't provide
anything else. I'll check if I get a chance.

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