Sub:Better-Scanning and Digitisation Services

Sumathi Acharya cad3ddesignautocad789 at
Mon Jun 27 08:24:26 UTC 2016

*Dear owner of,I am Sumathi Acharya -Digitisation Manger of the
Back office company located in Bangalore,India.We are 5 year old company
supporting Govt and Private companies across the country.We have full time
staff working on Scanning&Digitisation of documents/Drawings/Photos/Bills
etc on regular basis.We also do indexing of the documents for easy
retrieval.    We can scan at your office using our computers/scanner.    We
also do scanning from our office location.    We complete bulk documents
scanning with quick turnaround.    We do data entry of records and indexing
of file.    We scan any size documents.Our price per page is = 0.89 Paise
per page[A4 or below size]Capacity = Over 2 Lakh pages per Month.We can
collect your document from your office and after scanning we will pack and
resubmit at your location.We can support your organisation on regular
basis!Please give us an opportunity so we will make your office
Paperless!!!ThanksSumathi Acharya,Business Manager,Scanning and

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