A question about using portsnanp to upgrade ports tree

Nan Xiao nan at chinadtrace.org
Thu Jun 16 09:30:06 UTC 2016

Hi all,

Greetings from me! I have a question about using portsnap. 

After reading Using the Ports Collection in handbook, per my understanding, if /usr/ports/* is not empty
after installing FreeBSD:  

/usr/ports # ls
.arcconfig      Mk              audio           distfiles       hebrew          multimedia      print           x11
.gitignore      README          benchmarks      dns             hungarian       net             russian         x11-clocks

I only need to use "portsnanp fetch update" to upgrade ports tree, no necessary to do "portsnanp fetch extract".

Is my understanding right? Thanks very much in advance!

Best Regards
Nan Xiao (肖楠)
Skype: xiaonan19830818
Jabber/XMPP: nanxiao at xmpp.ru.net 
Telegram: nanxiao
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Personal website (English): http://nanxiao.me/en 
Chinese DTrace website: http://chinadtrace.org/ 

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