Receiving signal 11 when I try to stop daemon via ssh

C. L. Martinez carlopmart at
Thu Jul 28 09:48:56 UTC 2016

Hi all,

 I am seeing a strange behavior on a FreeBSD 10.3 host (fully patched) when I try to stop some daemons via remote ssh. I've got a script (launched from my laptop) that stops and starts several daemons in this FreeBSD host and every time I see a signal 11 in dmesg, like this:

[11477] pid 52018 (core dumped), uid 0: exited on signal 11

 Starting and stopping these daemons in the FreeBSD host's shell, works without problems without producing this signal 11 error.

 The ssh command that I use is: "ssh myhost '/usr/local/etc/rc.d/daemon start|stop'.

 Do I need to do some type of config in ssh?? 


C. L. Martinez

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