Copying music from FreeBSD to an Xperia Z3

Arthur Chance freebsd at
Sun Feb 14 15:34:18 UTC 2016

On 14/02/2016 14:37, Jens Schweikhardt wrote:
> hello, world\n
> I want to copy some mp3 music files onto an Sony Xperia Z3. I naively
> assumed it would show up as a USB mass storage device when I plug the
> USB cable. But all I get in dmesg is
>    ugen0.4: <Sony> at usbus0
> How can I copy mp3 files from my FreeBSD box onto the device?

Many of the later smartphones don't present as USB disks, supposedly on 
the grounds of safety. Instead they talk MTP (media transport protocol). 
I've never used it myself, but Wikipedia says Gnome's GVFS supports it, 
as does KDE's KIO slave. Going the FUSE route you might look at 
sysutils/fusefs-simple-mtpfs or sysutils/mtpfs. If you want a standalone 
program take a look at audio/gmtp.

Moore's Law of Mad Science: Every eighteen months, the minimum IQ
necessary to destroy the world drops by one point.

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