svn revision in uname

Ian Smith smithi at
Mon Feb 8 04:36:39 UTC 2016

On Sun, 7 Feb 2016 18:17:45 +0100, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
 > On Mon, Feb 08, 2016 at 03:24:35AM +1100, Ian Smith wrote:

 > >  > The version svnlite is part of the system and 
 > >  > does not need to be installed separately.
 > > 
 > > On 10.x - since 10.1 maybe? - but not on 9.x.
 > Ok, I have overlook this.

No worries.

 > >  > Here svnliteversion /usr/src works.
 > > 
 > > If you're pulling sources with svnlite, so it should :)  Conversion 
 > > between using svn and svnup, either way, requires some care and cleaning 
 > > up; generally best advice is not to try mixing these methods.
 > > 
 > I was not aware of that. I thought svnlite has just less capabilities.
 > Thank you!

Ah, I see the confusion; I've been talking about port net/svnup, not the 
difference between full svn and svnlite, where I expect you are correct.

net/svnup is described as "A lightweight, dependency-free program to 
pull source using the svn protocol."  It does not use svn's directory 
structure (eg the /usr/src/.svn/ tree) and is not useful for developers 
wanting to push code back to the repository, among other svn features; 
it's purely for updating local sources (or ports, though I use portsnap)

Hmm, its website <> is down just
lately; cc'ing the author/maintainer.

cheers, Ian

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