Fonts for vt(4) driver?

Stari Karp starikarp at
Sat Apr 9 09:56:52 UTC 2016

On Fri, 2016-04-08 at 14:37 -0700, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
> I googled around a bit more and found some helpful information on
> this topic:
> Adding the line:
>    hw.vga.textmode=1
> to my /boot/loader.conf file did indeed fix the problem that I asked
> about, however the discussion at the above thread raised some new
> questions in my mind.
> Specifically, as noted in the above cited thread, one author noted,
> correctly, that if one puts the line "hw.vga.textmode=1" into the
> loader.conf file, then the console fonts you get on boot up look
> very normal, e.g. to people like me who are accustomed to what the
> console fonts looked like in older FreeBSD releases.  However if
> you then start up X, and then exit X, the fonts which you then see
> on the console are still very normal looking, but they are then
> quite a bit smaller (pointsize wise) than before.
> Some people, e.g. one of the people who posted to the above cited
> thread, didn't like this.  He felt that the point size of the font
> that he saw on the console after exiting X was too small for his
> pleasure.  I myself have the exact opposite opinion.  I would like
> to have the point size of my console font be small, even _before_
> I start and then exit X.  How can I accomplish this?
> I tried to figure out the answer to this question on my own, but
> failed.  Based on various comments in various threads, I got the
> impression that perhaps all I needed to do was to add the following
> line to my loader.conf file:
> 	radeonkms_load="YES"
> (Yes, the system in question contains an AMD APU, which in turn
> contains a Radeon GPU.)
> Anyway, I added that line to the top of my loader.conf file and then
> rebooted.  The result was perfectly awful.  The screen (an ASUS
> 1920x1080
> 24 inch monitor) seemed to have been put into 1920x1080 graphics
> mode,
> however the whole screen was just filled with random pixels of random
> colors.  (Ultimatedly I had to boot FreeBSD off of a USB stick so
> that
> I could edit loader.conf and remove the troublesome
> radeonkms_load="YES"
> line, just to get the system in question back to a usaable state.)
> So anyway, three questions:
> 1)  What did I do wrong?  Why did adding radeonkms_load="YES" to the
> loader.conf file result in a completely unusable system?
> 2)  Is it possible to have freeBSD boot up and use nice small
> pointsize
> fonts immediately (on a modern 1920x1080 monitor, and with Radeon
> graphics
> hardware)?
> 3)  If so, how would one do this?
> _______________________________________________

I use ter-u32.fnt and it works good for me.

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