cd /.zfs/snapshot hangs (tmux put to uninterruptible sleep)

Matthew Seaman matthew at
Sun Oct 25 12:14:53 UTC 2015

On 25/10/2015 12:04, Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff wrote:
> On 25/10/15 12:54, Matthew Seaman wrote:
>> Yes, I really should put together a repeatable test case and write a bug
>> report.
> If I can somehow help you to debug this, tell me. Otherwise I'd hit the
> reset button within the next hour.

Please do go ahead and reset your system.  Just realizing it's happening
to other people than me is sufficient incentive.



PS.  If you need to access one of the troublesome snapshots, use 'zfs
clone' -- it seems to avoid the various pitfalls.

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