Spontaneous reboots with splash

Andrea Venturoli ml at netfence.it
Fri Oct 23 10:08:02 UTC 2015

On 10/23/15 05:22, Lowell Gilbert wrote:
> Andrea Venturoli <ml at netfence.it> writes:
>> On 10/22/15 14:18, Mehmet Erol Sanliturk wrote:
>>> If you have two identical computers with the same programs running :
>>> One is working correctly , but other one is booting arbitrarily :
>> I've got another identical box; I'll restore a dump on this and see if
>> the behaviour is the same.
> That will establish if the issues are hardware, certainly.

I just tried on the third box, so I guess hardware failure is out of the 

I installed a *fresh* 10.2/i386 with stock GENERIC kernel, no daemons 
running, no ports installed, no fancy configs (just the above mentioned 
lines to get the splash screen).

"make kernel" reboots within minutes.

> No, but splash(4) is part of the kernel, so it would be allowed to do that.

That's what I meant: the problem must be in splash (or in the kernel 
anyway), not in some other unspecified program.

I'll just try and see if amd64 gives the same trouble and file a bug 
report: I just wish I had some kernel message to include...

  bye & Thanks to all

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