FreeBSD 10: no interfaces

Polytropon freebsd at
Mon Oct 12 10:43:04 UTC 2015

On Sun, 11 Oct 2015 23:10:09 -0700, Paul Beard wrote:
> I just built 10.2 from source, running in a VM, as I have been doing
> with 8.x for a couple of years. The VM is a clone of the 8.4 environment. 

Do you have any nonstandard kernel options?

> For some reason, no interfaces are created at boot time, no loopback
> or other interfaces. As you might guess, that limits the utility of a
> FreeBSD install a bit. 

Quite. :-)

Network interfaces will only appear if the VM support has been
installed _and_ the VM environment has defined virtual network
interfaces (compatible with mentioned support). However, a
loopback device should allear withouth any configuration.

Depending on what VM you're using, "vmware-tools" might be needed.

> Here’s a screen shot of what I can see:

There is no screenshot. The list only allows text attachments.
But you can link to a web resource.

> Nothing in messages. The interface is seen in dmesg and seems to be loaded. 

What's the output of "ifconfig -a"?

> What could be the trouble? 

Interfaces loaded, but not configured? CHeck the relevant
sections of /etc/rc.conf. The transition from FreeBSD 8 
to FreeBSD 10 might show some changes...

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

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