awk question

William A. Mahaffey III wam at
Mon Oct 5 04:16:13 UTC 2015

On 10/04/15 22:36, Quartz wrote:
> On Oct 4 8:48 PM, William A. Mahaffey III wrote:
>> I am using awk & smartctl in a small shell script to print out HDD temps
>> in a purty format, 1 line per drive. As it happens, the output I want is
>> spread out over 4 lines of smartctl out, requiring (I *think*) 4 calls
>> to smartctl each piped to its own awk invocation to pull out the line I
>> want & print its info out. Is there some way to get awk to consider more
>> than 1 line at a time ? In my case my 4 lines are indeed sequential, &
>> it would be a bit more efficient if I could process all 4 lines once I
>> found the 1st one. This is definitely *not* critical, what I have now
>> works AOK, I was/am just curious if it could be optimized a bit. TIA &
>> have a good one.
> Awk already handles multiple lines just fine, so you're looking for 
> something else but don't know how to articulate it.
> Considering you're referring to 'pulling out lines', maybe you want to 
> trap the output of smartctl into a variable, then just echo that to 
> grep a bunch of times, before awk?
> ie;
> x=$(smartctl)
> echo "$x" | grep 'foo' | awk '{print $1}'
> echo "$x" | grep 'bar' | awk '{print $2}'
> echo "$x" | grep 'baz' | awk '{print $3}'
> ...etc?
> Although depending on what exactly you want to pull from the smartctl 
> output, you can probably just do it all from awk in one incantation. 
> Awk scripts can be fairly powerful.

I missed that 1st point somehow (relatively new to using awk :-/ ), so 
that is indeed all I need to know how to do. Polytropon provided exactly 
the guidance I need (I *think*) & I will try that out on the morrow. 
Thanks & have a good one :-) ....


	William A. Mahaffey III


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