GCC question

andrew clarke mail at ozzmosis.com
Mon Jun 22 16:36:04 UTC 2015

On Mon 2015-06-22 11:07:53 UTC-0453, William A. Mahaffey III (wam at hiwaay.net) wrote:

> I found some sources online last summer when I built this box that said 
> clang produced worse code than gcc, that's most of the reason I went w/ 
> 9.3R rather than 10.n, which are clang based, as I understand things. I 
> guess I am good to go now, then, thanks :-) ....

I think you'll find 10.x is no slower than 9.x. Otherwise nobody would
use 10.x.

Whatever you read probably applied to a much older version of clang.

"Last summer" is ambiguous btw. Earth has two hemispheres. Where I
live it's winter.

Incidentally your email program's time zone is very odd. UTC-0453?

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