Time To Reinvigorate Job boards

John Harris john at rchilli.co
Wed Jul 22 11:49:29 UTC 2015

Hey .!

I'm John, Jobboard growth-strategist, who'll bring that little push needed, 
which will add fuel to your Job boards journey.

So how can we work together? Probably, you have the better answer to it. But 
I''m sharing the story of two pioneer job boards that came and conquered the 
job search industry. In fact, still dominating the larger part of the industry. 
Here it is through infographic:





So where are you heading? What about your story?

We want you to become one. Know how 

​ Regards Lovepreet Dhaliwal - Business Relations - RChilli    

USA +1 201.716.2459 |  India +91 814.660.8062 | UK +44 203 514 1181 x 222 
, a CV Automation company:  Follow at        
415, Oakmead Pkwy, Suite B, Sunnyvale, CA, 94085, USA 

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