Installing FreeBSD 10.1 to a partition.

Warren Block wblock at
Thu Jul 2 12:01:40 UTC 2015

On Thu, 2 Jul 2015, Luca Ferrari wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 4:48 AM,  <reg at> wrote:
>> I am trying to do something that would be trivial with
>> Linux.  Namely install FreeBSD to a partition on the
>> disk.
> From here <>:
> "The FreeBSD boot loader requires either a primary or GPT partition."

boot0 requires a primary partition, but presumably there is a multi-boot 
thing like Grub already in place.  FreeBSD itself does not have to be on 
a primary partition.

The manual options for creating disk partitions in bsdinstall should 
allow creating or selecting the correct partitions.  I don't know if the 
latest bsdinstall allows avoiding installing the bootcode, or just skips 
it if custom partitions are selected.

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