Invitation for FreeBSD to a new social media platform dedicated to ideas

Adrianna Roberts adrianna at
Fri Feb 27 20:56:55 UTC 2015

Hey FreeBSD,

The other day I sent you an email about Ideapod (a new social media platform for ideas) that I thought would interest you. I was just checking in to see if you had a chance to check out Ideapod? You can browse Ideapod here: (  

If you are interested, you can create an instant account using this link: (  

Please let me know if you have questions - I’d be more than happy to help! 


Adrianna Roberts
P.R & Press Contact, Ideapod

w: (
t: @ideas (
fb: (

On 2015-02-24 21:00:00 UTC, Adrianna Roberts <adrianna at> wrote:

Hi FreeBSD,

I’m Adrianna from Ideapod - a new social media platform for sharing and connecting ideas. Richard Branson recently wrote a blog post about us, saying that Ideapod will “increase the chances of society coming up with more game changing concepts.” (you can read the blog here: ( )

I thought you might be interested in joining Ideapod and learning more about how the platform works. You can browse Ideapod here: (

If you think it's something you would enjoy, or that your readers would be interested in, you can use this link to create an account instantly: (  

Ideas are 1,000 character limited posts, containing pictures or videos. You can also respond to any ideas and relate ideas with each other. 

If you have any questions, please let me know.


Adrianna Roberts
P.R & Press Contact, Ideapod

w: (
t: @ideas (
fb: (

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