freebsd-update editor choice

Bertram Scharpf lists at
Tue Dec 15 14:34:53 UTC 2015


On Tuesday, 15. Dec 2015, 14:59:07 +0200, Anton Sayetsky wrote:
> 15 дек. 2015 г. 14:46 пользователь "Bertram Scharpf" <
> lists at> написал:
> > The problem I fussed about many times and long times without
> > any understanding up to this day is not how but _where_ to
> > set the EDITOR environment variable. There is
> >
> >   - /etc/login.conf
> This applies to all logins.

Not the X login. I use Slim and Xfce4. When starting a
command from the panel like "urxvt -e irb" (interactive
Ruby)(*) or "urxvt -e tmux" the EDITOR variable still is
empty. TMux tries to read the variable and will not set its
option "status-keys" properly which is very annoying.

My workaround is to source "/etc/profile" in " ~/.xinitrc".
Nevertheless it is surprising behaviour. I log in and
"login.conf" will not be read.


*) I wrote my own interactive Ruby that can pipe results
into an editor session.

Bertram Scharpf
Stuttgart, Deutschland/Germany

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