Upgrade question?

Charles Swiger cswiger at mac.com
Mon Dec 14 22:14:25 UTC 2015

On Dec 14, 2015, at 12:49 PM, Bryan Albright <bryana at darth-vader.org> wrote:
> Hi folks!
> When upgrading from 8.4 to 9.3,in preparation to go from 9.3 to 10.2,
> does it make sense to do a full port upgrade, after checking
> /usr/ports/UPDATING (of course?)
> Something like a 
> % portupgrade -a
> Between the update to 9.3 and the update to 10.2?  Or can I "get away
> with" a update from 8.4 to 9.3, then update 9.3 to 10.2, then doa
> portupgrade -a?

Are you stopping at 9.3 for a while, or are you moving to 10.2 immediately?

If you're going to run 9.3 for a while, it's reasonable to recompile the
list of ports for that version.  Otherwise, leave it be until after
you've updated to 10.2.

> (and I'm open to a "better" method of upgrading ports - I've just been
> using a script to do the portupgrade since 2.2)

You might find it cleaner to keep a list of ports you had installed,
(ie, a backup), do a clean install of 10.2, and then reinstall only
the ports which you know you want.  Restore the ports config and
anything else under /usr/local/etc which you want to keep around.

Some of the older ports you had might not be needed anymore-- ie,
build time deps, stuff which has been integrated or modernized from
the base FreeBSD, etc.


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