problems running OpenGL code

Michael Powell nightrecon at
Sat Dec 12 18:39:51 UTC 2015

William A. Mahaffey III wrote:

>> VESA mode(s) will never give you any support for GL and there won't be
>> any way (to my limited knowledge) to run code that depends on GL
>> libraries.
> *Rats* !!!! I had an old Linux box where VESA did provide (gruesomely
> slow) OpenGL software rendering, but that was eons ago. All of my
> desktop (XFCE 4.12) works AOK, ditto for browser, etc., although many of
> the screensavers crash w/ messages about .... GLX extension not enabled
> :-/ .... Oh well ....

I've never been completely certain of this, and hopefully someone who does 
know can chime in (stuff I'd like to know more about as well), but I have 
been under the impression it is the MESA stack which is tapped to do 
software rendering via CPU as a fallback for when 3D hardware acceleration 
is unavailable. Of course, software(s) need to be built with the facility to 
utilize these code pathways...

But back to the original problem of code testing. If that is the primary 
problem one suggestion may be to disable (in BIOS) the Kabini GPU and 
scrounge up some other older AMD/ATI card from the 'supported' section list 
on the ~/Graphics FreeBSD wiki page. Return to the work at hand and consider 
dealing with the Jaguar situation as support evolves.


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