/etc files

William A. Mahaffey III wam at hiwaay.net
Sun Aug 30 21:10:30 UTC 2015

On 08/30/15 12:39, Polytropon wrote:
>> >  From last nights backup:
>> >
>> >
>> >[wam at Q6600, ~, 11:46:03am] 1369 % lf/home/rsync/Jaguar/etc/*:
>> >/home/rsync/Jaguar/etc/enabled: /home/rsync/Jaguar/etc/fingerprints:
>> >/home/rsync/Jaguar/etc/mirror_type: /home/rsync/Jaguar/etc/signature_type:
>> >[wam at Q6600, ~, 11:46:09am] 1370 % file !$
>> >file/home/rsync/Jaguar/etc/*:
>> >/home/rsync/Jaguar/etc/enabled::        ASCII text
>> >/home/rsync/Jaguar/etc/fingerprints::   empty
>> >/home/rsync/Jaguar/etc/mirror_type::    empty
>> >/home/rsync/Jaguar/etc/signature_type:: empty
> Empty files and a text file, and ending in ':', very strange.
> However, a process with root privilege must have written them
> because /etc is (or_should be_) writable by root only.
> What does /etc/enabled: contain?

As near as I can tell, all lines containing one letter: 'y'. It's a huge 
file, so I didn't explore all of it ....

>> >[wam at Q6600, ~, 11:46:14am] 1371 % ll  !$
>> >ll/home/rsync/Jaguar/etc/*:
>> >-rw-r--r--. 1 wam users 143851520 Sep  3  2014
>> >/home/rsync/Jaguar/etc/enabled:
>> >-rw-r--r--. 1 wam users         0 Sep  3  2014
>> >/home/rsync/Jaguar/etc/fingerprints:
>> >-rw-r--r--. 1 wam users         0 Sep  3  2014
>> >/home/rsync/Jaguar/etc/mirror_type:
>> >-rw-r--r--. 1 wam users         0 Sep  3  2014
>> >/home/rsync/Jaguar/etc/signature_type:
> And_this_  is very strange: Those look like user files. How
> did they get (a) into the original /etc, or (b) into its
> backup which you're showing the listing from?

Yeah, I just noticed that, that's because the backup process is run by 
my regular user, not root. That's something I may review, I have always 
done backups as regular user in the past because it was user stuff 
getting backed up, however (as posted a last week or so) I am reviewing 
my backup practices & protocols .... Thanks :-).


	William A. Mahaffey III


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	 ever devised by man."
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