Stop using a SATA drive

Quartz quartz at
Fri Aug 28 00:27:57 UTC 2015

> This is possible.

OK, well my question (via Chris' original question) was, is there 
currently a port or package that actually implements this?

> However, in regards of disk drives, I wouldn't call this
> procedure "eject", but maybe better "detach".

I'm not a fan of "eject" either, but that's Apple for you. They've 
always been weird about this sort of mental model; in both OSX GUI and 
classic Mac OS you drag the disk icon into the trash to unmount it. More 
than a few new users were very nervous about that.

>In retrospect,
> ye olde "atacontrol" _had_ this functionality. See the dusty
> historic manual for details. :-)

Wait, so this functionality existed but was removed? What was the 
reasoning behind that?

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