X230 Intel Centrino Wireless-N 2200 not working

Toby Slight tobyslight at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 13:42:18 UTC 2015

Forgot to cc the lists on the last response - doh!

On 19 August 2015 at 14:25, Lars Engels <lars.engels at 0x20.net> wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 02:12:30PM +0100, Toby Slight wrote:
> > On 19 August 2015 at 13:43, Lars Engels <lars.engels at 0x20.net> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > HEAD is CURRENT, so 11.0-CURRENT is what you need.
> > > Don't worry, it's pretty stable. I'm running HEAD on my X230 since I
> > > bought it. No problems so far.
> > >
> >
> > Cool - cheers for the response Lars :-) I just fired up the -CURRENT
> > installer and was able to configure my wifi - fantastic. Guess I'm going
> to
> > be running FreeBSD -CURRENT for a while then.... I must say it was nice
> > that the the vt driver was enabled by default :-)
> Perfect! :-) Suspend / Resume should also work. I can show you my
> loader.conf / rc.conf settings to get things going, if you like.

That would be amazing and much appreciated :-) Finding it quite a jump from
OpenBSD and Linux - got A LOT to learn! Of particular interest would be
whether or not you still have to add to Intel KMS flags to loader.conf and
what else needs to be added to get Xorg to work nice and reliablely... Does
TTY to X switching work now? I remember a few years ago I could get X
running on FreeBSD, but if I switched to a TTY, that was the end of me
being able to use my laptop screen!

> >
> > How often do you tend to update on current? And I take it a full
> recompile
> > is necessary? No freebsd-update from what I remember reading on the
> > bsdnow.tv site? Is there no way to go from one snapshot to another
> without
> > either recompiling or nuking and paving, like there is on OpenBSD
> -current?
> I update kernel and world on an irregular basis. Something between 3
> days and 3 weeks. My X230 has the Core i7 CPU and 16 GB RAM, so building
> both takes 1,5 to 2 hours. Then I run etcupdate(8), so merging the
> config files is mostly painless. (Be sure to run etcupdate before the
> first upgrade, so it can use your running config.
> freebsd-update only works on RELEASES, and can be slower than building
> from source anyways.
Cool - cheers for the tips. I dare say my builds will be a fair bit slower
as my machine only has an i3 and 6GB RAM... Is freebsd-update ever likely
to be made to work with the current and stable branches? Or maybe something
like the OpenBSD -current update mechanism?

> >
> > How about pkgng? Do binary pkgs and binary pkg upgrades work on -current?
> pkg works like a charm on HEAD. You usually get new packages every
> second day.  There are only some ports which get built against kernel
> sources which need to be compiled from ports. Oh, and if you use Flash:
> Flash may not be distributed as a package, so you have to install and
> upgrade it from ports.
That's great, I'm fine with building the system, but if I then had to go
and recompile all my packages I think I'd be noping out at that point...
I've done my time on Gentoo - and don't relish the thought of staring at
walls of text for days on end any more!

0x2b || !0x2b

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