Compilation error due to header not found

Pratik Singhal ps06756 at
Wed Aug 5 14:59:14 UTC 2015

Thanks a lot! for the hint!  Although, I didn't make any direct changes in
SRCS in Makefile, I used "device sound"  in the config file used to compile
the kernel and the channel_if.h file was generated.

Pratik Singhal

On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 7:41 PM, Navdeep Parhar <nparhar at> wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 05, 2015 at 06:13:03PM +0530, Pratik Singhal wrote:
> > Hello all, I have used the file "dev/sound/pcm/sound.h" in a kernel
> driver
> > made for ac97 codec for Allwinner A10. This file further includes the
> file
> > "dev/sound/pcm/channel.h" which further includes the file "channel_if.h".
> >
> > I have checked in  ~HEAD and the file channel_if.h doesn't exist in that
> > particular directory and as a result, I am getting a compilation error
> when
> > I compile the kernel complaining about the missing file "channel_if.h" .
> >
> > How can I resolve this error ?
> There is a channel_if.m in the tree.  The build system should be able to
> create channel_if.h from that if you list channel_if.h in SRCS in your
> Makefile.
> Regards,
> Navdeep

Pratik Singhal

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