email address being harvested from ports website
cpet at
Fri Apr 10 13:44:06 UTC 2015
On 2015-04-10 08:31, Ernie Luzar wrote:
> Hello list;
> I maintain 4 ports and within the last 6 months I have started
> receiving large amounts of spam on the ports maintainer email address.
> Last week I went through the process of changing the maintainers email
> addresses and within 3 days I started receiving spam on the new email
> addresses.
> The website is being harvested for email
> addresses.
> We all have personally experienced spam email. Now the volunteers who
> create and maintain the ports in the Freebsd ports collection are
> being targeted with spam.
> In todays world of spam emails containing payloads of bots, viruses
> and mullware, I think its past time for to stop
> displaying any email address at all.
> I release this is only a simple solution targeted at the script
> kiddies.
> Any seriously harvester could always download the complete ports tree
> source and harvest the maintainer email address from the ports
> Makefile.
> To address this problem in a way to make it totally go away, a new way
> of handling the ports maintainers email address in the ports system is
> fast becoming a priority.
> Separation of the maintainers email address from the ports Makefile is
> the ultimate solution. People on the ports team who know the behind
> scenes workings of the port system are far better suited to develop a
> new method of accomplishing this.
> Lets look at this in a different way. I believe that email address are
> consitered as private personal information and covered under the
> privacy information U.S. law which says they can not be exposed to the
> public.
> This post is intended to generate discussion and shine light on what
> may be a legal oversight by the ports team.
> Thank you in advance for you interest and comments.
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Seriously ? People like you are the reason why I am nagged with a
message about cookies.
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