freebsd-update problems 9.x to 9.x
Philip J. Koenig
pjklist2 at
Fri Sep 12 21:24:38 UTC 2014
On 9 Sep 2014 at 20:04, Philip J. Koenig <pjklist2 at> boldly uttered:
> [REPOST - sent 8/25 and no answers yet]
> I've extensively searched the list archives and cannot find an answer
> to this.
> I get the (apparently well-known) error below when trying to use the
> command "freebsd-update upgrade -r 9.3-RELEASE" on a box (actually
> VM) running 9.0-RELEASE (p7).
> > "The update metadata is correctly signed, but failed an integrity
> > check. Cowardly refusing to proceed any further."
> All the mentions I've seen of this issue pertain to either upgrading
> to 9.x from 8.x or earlier, or upgrading 9.x to 10.0.
> Even though I initially patched to the p7 level of 9.0-RELEASE before
> trying to do this upgrade (using freebsd-update actually, and it
> seemed to work fine for that), I still tried the often-suggested fix
> for the known issue of older versions of freebsd-update not
> recognizing "%" and "@" characters. The result was that there were no
> changes made to the freebsd-update script. (diff says it's identical
> to the existing file)
> Anything else I can try?
So my detailed post and repost starting 8/25 got no responses, and
the post called "hi" got at least 2 responses. :boggle:
Not that anyone's listening or anything, but the issue turned out to
be something b0rken with either 9.0-RELEASE-p7 or 9.3-RELEASE, since
if I changed the target to 9.2-RELEASE without making any other
changes it worked fine.
Encouraged, I tried to update 9.2-RELEASE to 9.3-RELEASE. Now the
issue is some errors during the update (see below), and confusion on
my part about how to rebuild ports, which freebsd-updates admonishes
to do when it finishes. (tbh it was easier in the old days of 4.x
when I used to do buildworld/installworld, than this.)
I don't know exactly how to "rebuild all installed 3rd party software
(e.g., programs installed from the ports tree)", as freebsd-update
admonishes at the end of its run. Which one of the 18 ports and
package utilities am I supposed to use for this?
pkg is not installed by default, I couldn't find an option to use
portupgrade for this task, and when I tried "portmaster -a -f -n" to
see if that was the right choice, it resulted in a bunch of
subroutines launching brightly-colored menus, and error messages.
Also, during the update run several error messages were spit out
about certain paths related to BIND not being directories.
(Unfortunately I cannot post those errors here because tee did not
capture them into my logfile since apparently they are printed to
stderror and I'm using Cshell and don't know how to redirect that to
my logfile)
But this is of concern to me because BIND is the main purpose of this
FreeBSD instance.
Philip J. Koenig
pjklist at
Electric Kahuna Systems -- Computers & Communications for the New
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