Firefox will adapt closed source DRM

Polytropon freebsd at
Wed May 14 20:23:32 UTC 2014

On Wed, 14 May 2014 14:44:48 -0400, Antonio Olivares wrote:
> Dear folks,
> Firefox will adapt DRM stuff into it.  Can it be turned off, i.e, when
> compiling it?
> or do we simply move on to another browser?

That would not help much. Many users have "Flash" installed,
which is also closed source and implements DRM as well. Such
kind of plugins, usually video players or gaming interfaces,
have been used by websites for at least a decade to restrict
the access to the content.

Now that there seems to be a W3C "consensus" of making such
functionality part of HTML, there's hardly a way around it.
If Firefox does not implement the restriction management within
its "HTML engine", it will appear to the user that "the web
is broken", which (of course) is a fault of the browser, so
in order to see the dancing bunnies, he will switch to a
different browser which applies the restriction management
accordingly. And if this functionality is only available or
legal in proprietary (non-open, non-free) form, then it's
basically the same approach as installing a "Flash" plugin.

I don't want to sound impolite, but following this trend is
the only chance of Firefox to "stay in the game". :-(

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Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

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