Obscure operating systems

ssgriffon ssgriffonuser at gmail.com
Mon May 12 01:42:55 UTC 2014

On 05/07/2014 05:49, velocidade da luz wrote:
> Anyone here using PC-BSD, PureDarwin, GhostBSD, AnonymOS, (Amnesiac) Incognito, eComStation, Syllable , ReactOS, Haiku,  or MenuetOS? I'm planning on trying these, and would like to hear of users' experiences (good or bad). Thanks. 		 	   		
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I just installed PCBSD for the first time since 8.x and so far I have 
been very impressed.  Everything just worked!  I run my BSD development 
machine in a virtualbox VM.    I've spent hours even a day building a 
freebsd VM with virtualbox guest additions and everything I needed.  
PCBSD installed everything for me with no issues, even Flash works out 
of the box in firefox.

I'm also a huge fan of PBI's for a desktop system.  If a PBI is 
available for the application you want, then you can be sure it will 
work because every PBI contains all dependencies for that application.

I hope I don't sound to much like a fan boy but like I said, I have been 
impressed so far.


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