FreeBSD 10 + Samba 3.6 / AD / KRB5

Graeme Dargie arab at
Sat Mar 8 13:25:57 UTC 2014

Hi All

I have just done a completely fresh install of 10.0 64bit on a machine that was previously running 9.2. I am however struggling to get this machine back on to my AD system here. I have followed various step by step guides, compared the various config files from another 9.2 system that is working fine and I keep hitting the same problem.

When I do a kinit <username> it works fine and I can see an output from klist for a valid ticket.

When I do a net ads join -U regardless of the username I use I always get the same error.

Failed to join domain: failed to connect to AD: Looping detected inside krb5_get _in_tkt

Google has not yielded any solutions other than to confirm others have had this problem, anybody out there got any clues?

Domain controller is 2008R2 running in the domain functionality 2008R2 mode, I have a FreeBSD 9.2 system connected and running with no issues and a system that was upgraded from 9.2 to 10 running ok as well, it just seems to be this fresh install that is the issue.



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