ZFS, GPTIDs, and using the whole disk

Andrew Berg aberg010 at my.hennepintech.edu
Tue Mar 4 04:20:35 UTC 2014

On 2014.03.03 17:47, Chris Stankevitz wrote:
> Please identify any false statements:
> 1. ZFS prefers to use the entire disk.
Prefers, maybe, but it is not a big deal on FreeBSD as has already been explained.

> 4. Because of (3) it is dangerous to use device names when building a zpool
You would just need to be careful *at pool creation time* that you are using the correct block devices. You can swap them around all you
like afterward since ZFS doesn't use device names to find block devices belonging to a pool.

> 7. You can create a zpool of GPTIDs
You can refer to block devices by GPT labels when creating a pool. I'm not sure if that's what you meant.

I personally use GPT labels with each disk in my main pool having one partition for its entire space. Without GPT labels, the only reliable
to distinguish between each disk is its serial number (they are all 3TB WD Reds), which would not be fun to use if one of them suddenly dies.

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