<root at thetys>/letc > ezjail-admin update -p, /usr/local/bin/ezjail-admin: 1641: Syntax error: "&&" unexpected
Jos Chrispijn
jos at webrz.net
Tue Jun 10 15:08:33 UTC 2014
Hi Jeremy,
Jeremy Boy:
> Could you provide the output of the following commands?
> pkg info ezjail (or pkg_info ezjail, depending on your build)
> uname -a
> head -n 1641 /usr/local/bin/ezjail-admin | tail -n 1
> md5 /usr/local/bin/ezjail-admin
Name : ezjail
Version : 3.4
Installed on : Tue Jun 10 10:58:21 CEST 2014
Origin : sysutils/ezjail
Architecture : freebsd:9:x86:64
Prefix : /usr/local
Categories : sysutils
Maintainer : erdgeist at erdgeist.org
WWW : http://erdgeist.org/arts/software/ezjail/
Comment : Framework to easily create, manipulate, and run FreeBSD
Flat size : 116KiB
Description :
This port contains two scripts to easily create, manipulate and run
FreeBSD jails.
WWW: http://erdgeist.org/arts/software/ezjail/
--- cut ---
uname -a
FreeBSD xx.xx.xx 9.2-STABLE FreeBSD 9.2-STABLE #0 r264372: Sat Apr 12
17:57:36 CEST 2014 xx at xx.xx.xx:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/XXXX amd64
--- cut ---
<root at thetys>/letc > head -n 1641 /usr/local/bin/ezjail-admin | tail -n 1
[ $# -gt 0 ] || && cd ${ezjail_jailcfgs} && set - `ls -A`
--- cut ---
<root at thetys>/letc > md5 /usr/local/bin/ezjail-admin
MD5 (/usr/local/bin/ezjail-admin) = 69851879339f207e85a61e9f9c318d2f
--- cut ---
Hope this helps!
Best regards,
Jos Chrispijn
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