Say me, please, how I can transfer between servers ZFS-partitions larger than 20Gb.

David DeSimone ddesimone at
Sun Jul 27 18:08:52 UTC 2014

Mark Martinec just reported this problem a few days ago, and he found a work-around.  See the following:

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-freebsd-net at [mailto:owner-freebsd-net at] On Behalf Of Vladislav Prodan
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2014 9:46 AM
To: questions at
Cc: fs at; net at net at
Subject: Say me, please, how I can transfer between servers ZFS-partitions larger than 20Gb.

Say me, please, how I can transfer between servers ZFS-partitions larger than 20Gb.
I have 4 partitions with backup data. There are a lot of small pictures.

NAME                                   USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
tank2                                 1,42T  1,32T   118M  legacy
tank2/ay-files                        31,9G  1,32T  31,8G  /backup/beastie/upload_ftp/ay/files
tank2/XXXXXmarket-images               135G  1,32T   135G  /backup/beastie/upload_ftp/XXXXXmarket/images
tank2/XXXXXmarket-uploads             17,6G  1,32T  17,5G  /backup/beastie/upload_ftp/XXXXXmarket/uploads
tank2/YYYYmarket                      24,4G  1,32T   152K  /backup/beastie/upload_ftp/YYYYmarket
tank2/YYYYmarket/uploads              24,4G  1,32T  24,2G  /backup/beastie/upload_ftp/YYYYmarket/uploads

Say me, please, how I can transfer it at another server with ZFS.
Servers are connected through unmanaged 100M switch.
Sending via (zfs send) and (ssh host2 zfs recv) ends with error after 20GB of data.
Sending via rsync is very lasting and requires often restart of rsync.

What an alternative?

 Vladislav V. Prodan
 System & Network Administrator
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